ERA after two successful transfers


What would you do?

I have had two egg retrievals. Each resulting in just one PGS tested embryo and two successful transfers. Two live births. 💙💙

We have since done one more egg retrieval which again resulted in just one PGS tested perfect embryo. 💗 My dr called me with this wonderful news and told me to call Monday to get ready to prepare for a FET.

I called Monday and the nurse asked me if I was interested in doing an ERA because I only have one embryo. (A mock transfer where I take all the drugs like I’m doing a transfer but instead of transferring the embryo they take a (very painful and apparently expensive) biopsy to test to see exactly when they should transfer to give us a the best chance. I was a bit confused because I’ve only had one embryo my last two transfers and this was never offered to me. (My dr has switched firms since my last transfer)

This would delay our transfer by at least a month, it is expensive and not covered by insurance, and from what I’ve read excruciatingly painful. It’s also an extra month of medication I’d be on. (Gross)

Now I of course want to do everything I can to ensure this is successful and am now feeling guilty that I may not do it but we’ve had two successful transfers. Aren’t those better than a mock transfer? My dr didn’t bring this up to me when he called to begin with. Would you do it or do you think I am being sold on an extra expense that is unnecessary?