First time egg collection

Hey ladies. I had my first egg collection this morning. They retrieved 5 eggs, and I’m feeling a bit down because I thought there would be more. Can anyone tell me if they’ve had success with numbers like this?

Also my husband had to take the day off to come to the procedure today, and was supposed to “take care of me” for the afternoon. I’ve been turned into a pin cushion for the last week and a bit, then had to go through the procedure

Today and am feeling really sore, swollen and emotional. His part was to have an orgasm and drive me home. He said this morning he’d look after me and asked what I wanted him to cook for dinner. I said let’s have roast chicken and vegetables because that cures everything. Now instead of cooking dinner, or doing the dishes, or washing, or anything, he is having an afternoon sleep. I don’t know if this is just annoying me because of the hormones, or if I’m justified and that this whole process is just so ridiculously unequal and awful from the woman’s side. There are a lot of situations where my expectations aren’t met, and I feel like if I talk about them all he gets very defensive, so I don’t know whether to just let it go. I’m sure he’ll get up and order Uber eats or something later, it’s just that his efforts feel a bit lacklustre and I feel let down again. I don’t have it in me to fight right now though, so I’m thinking maybe I should just try to get over it. Pls tell me if I’m being crazy xxxxx