Nap capping

Do you cap naps or just let baby sleep however long. We started doing a one nap a day schedule. My LO has been sleeping for about 2.5 hours. Do you just let them sleep or should I wake her soon?

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if 1 nap a day I'd definitely let baby sleep for as long as needed.


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I’d probably cap at 3 hours max. So baby has enough wake time before bed.


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If it’s one nap I’d say the max amount of sleep for the nap would be 3 hours. That’s about as much day sleep littles this age should have.


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Just let them sleep they must need it. I could only wish this was my problem my son naps once a day n at the most it’s 40 mins that’s on a good day aswell


Sarah • Feb 20, 2020
Oh believe me once my son is a wake there no leaving him he will let the world no he is awake and ready to go lol x


Ashley • Feb 20, 2020
My daughter usually wakes after 40 minutes and will wake a cry I leave her in the crib for about 10-15 minutes and she will go back to sleep for another 40 minutes. I used to just get her right away and I'm so glad I stopped.


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Mine goes down for bed at 8 and won't go down if she sleeps past 3:30 so I only wake her if it goes past 330


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First nap I cap at an hour bc if she gets longer she usually fights nap 2. It’s worked well for us! Afternoon nap she rarely sleeps more than an hour or 1.5 hours.


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I've been capping them to try to promote longer night sleep. Hes adjusted and wakes up at the cap but still doesnt sleep through the night... although since capping his naps we are down to 2 wake ups.