Need to post this somewhere..


So I recently got myself help from my OB because I have depression and anxiety and now PPD. I've been on meds for a little while now and today is the fourth year memorial of my nieces death.. it also happens to be the day I went in for my tubal and uterine ablation. I came out of recovery and into my out patient room. I was still groggy and it never went away. I felt something was wrong. I was bleeding more than when I delivered my daughter. The nurse checked and I soaked a pad in less than 5 minutes. I started getting super dizzy and out of it. I remember my doctor coming in saying that the ablation machine wouldn't work so he was unable to do the ablation. But did the first part of the ablation. So it was half done. There's a safety thing on the ablation machine that will not turn on if it detects a hole in the uterus. My doctor looked and felt and couldn't find a hole but decided not to try again today. We will try again once I'm healed from my tubal. Anyways. I wouldn't stop bleeding so they had to take me back to the OR to see what was going on. I ended up going back under and they found that my cervix tore which is common with ablations. Overall today was a very scary day and I'm for once happy to be alive. I had a great team of doctors and nurses. I'm lucky. I'm sorry I just had to get this out there and out of my head