He’s here! All Natural Birth


Now it’s my turn to write down my birth story! 😆


3:35am my water broke while I was in bed asleep. I called my midwife and ended up staying home, having some food and getting some more rest until contractions started. This is called premature rupture of membranes at full term and does not 100% mean I am in labor right then and there. (Super bummer looks)

Well we drop our 4 year old off and his memaws house and make our way to the birth center between 9 and 10:30. Contractions start coming every 15 minutes at 9:45.

We get there, get our room and start bouncing and nipple stim right away to get the party really started. Contractions got a bit worse so I laid down with a peanut ball to help open my pelvis. Now it’s about 1 pm; I am 4cm dilated, contractions every 4 minutes now.

I got to eat some eggs annnnnd a waffle with some fresh fruit. Drank some labor tea and lots of water. Y’all it was so great already compared to my induction where I went 24+ hours without eating and only had an IV and ice chips.

2pm hits and I’m on my knees. Literally. Tears are coming and so are the moans and waves and the “don’t freaking touch me!” faces. I was at a damn 6cm with contractions every 2 minutes or closer. I didn’t know whaaat was happening at this point. Girl I was just trying to survive lol

Transition is a bitch. Throwing up at like 2:15ish and I’m at 9cm with my midwife stretching me to the 10 during a contraction. She was the devil for those 2 minutes I tell you what.

I’m like I gotta poop!! She goes no honey, it’s time to have a baby! Bed, now. On your side and let’s get him out.

12 minutes laying on my side, listening to my body and only pushing when I wanted to and he’s out. This happy, healthy baby boy made his entrance!

No tearing, no episiotomy and no drugs. I am so proud of my damn body!!

Rowan Jon came out at 8 lbs 14 oz and 20 inches long ♥️