13 week appointment, is it normal?

Yesterday I had my appointment at 13+3 and I was expecting to get the NIPT testing done and maybe see the baby. Well boy was I wrong and upset. My appointment literally lasted 8 minutes and I wish I was exaggerating. Got there and did my vitals, went in the room and the doctor walked in as soon as I sat down, she listened to the heartbeat and that was it. I did ask about the NIPT testing and she was just like oh that’s if you want. Like are doctors not required to even ask if you want it done whether insurance covers it or not? My main question for this post is, is this what your 13w appointment was just to walk in to hear the heartbeat and that’s it? I just feel more crappy cause my fiancé took off of work a full day to come to the appointment and that was it.

I should also add In we’ve already had an appointment and did an ultrasound at 7w