Emergency c-sect.

I am very traumatised. Yesterday, after being in 13 hours of labour, I ended up getting an emergency c-sect because of “arm presentation” (baby’s hand is blocking her way out).

I was 4cm dilated when they decided to break my water and that is when the doctor find out that her right hand is positioned up on her head. There’s no way she could be delivered via svd.

I was pushed to the operation theatre immediately. The situation becomes panicky again when the surgeons couldn’t pull her out because of the arm presentation. They have to find for her feet and pull that out first. But it is hard to be done as my water has broke so her head is stucked for about 5 mins.

When they managed to pull her out, she didn’t cry and respiratory tubes had to be put in her mouth to help her breathe.

I cried all the way thru the process and I am still crying now bc I didn’t have the chance to hold her yet now that she is NICU.

Please pray for her. I’m hoping to meet her today and directly feed her 😞