Major Anxiety about first Job

Just some background abt me...I struggle with social anxiety and general anxiety.

My mom has been saying for the past year how I need to get a job to help pay for my extra curricular activities.

Every time she would bring up the word job I would freak out. Yell and change the subject. The thought of having to go and apply for a job made me fear rejection and judgement. The thought of having to meet new people terrified me even more.

Last summer she forced me into applying for 5 jobs. Each application process took soooo muchhh out of me.

When I was going in to drop off the resume...I was even anxious about my outfit....that it was too much and that I looked too young.

I ended up getting 2 interviews, I never heard back from either place even after calling to follow up.

Since I didn’t get a job last summer, my mom is starting to look at places to apply now. I’m starting to feel that major and anxiety again.

So I guess my question is...has anyone else struggled with this? How did u overcome it? Any tips or help is very much appreciated 💞