Potty Training 2 year old Boy


We haven't officially started potty training, my son has a bit of a speech delay so I feel like he doesn't fully understand certain things like when he has to or is going pee or poo. But he does understand a lot and knows what everything is when asked and follow directions well. I have started taking him to the potty throughout the day. He knows when I say let's go or do you have to pee pee we go up to the potty. He almost always pees on it when I place him on it, but he will pee a little and jump up screaming Yay! Yayyyy and continue peeing while jumping all on the floor. Or He will pee a little jump up and about and I'll place him back to sit and he will start to pee again but then again get so excited and jump up and go yay! I've tried making it seem like the fun part it putting it in the big potty and flushing which I think may be helping!? Any other suggestions?