So unfair

Hannah🍌 • 9/6/19

Maybe I’m jealous. I’m so upset that he gets to go out for drinks and socialize ( on top of that he text me and calls me in the middle and I hear how fun hes having ) he comes home to a cooked meal and cleaned house.. he works at a car dealership so he gets home late and works all the time

He has all his friends and family because he grew up here. Meanwhile I have family all over the East coast but not even close by. I have no help. I see his parents that’s an hour away once a week but I never leave my baby. She’s 5 months. So I don’t get a break

But I’m struggling with one baby. I am always tired. I don’t know how other moms have a lot of children when I’m exhausted with one..

If I didn’t have to clean,run errands, cook, and laundry maybe I wouldn’t be so exhausted.. anyone else leave the duty to the husband 😆

I’m ranting and at the same time wanting to know how others work their household