My birth story!


I went into the hospital on February 13th at 5:30am for a scheduled c-section. I was rolled back to the operating area at 7:30am. I walked to the operating table and sat on the edge so they could insert the spinal. They helped me lay down, for my belly prepped, and inserted the catheter. The doctor came in and they put the final drapes up so my husband could come in. The c-section was going smoothly when I started getting nauseated (which is normal from a spinal because it can drop your blood pressure). They gave me some medication and that seemed to help. Before I knew it they were doing the final pushes to get the baby out.

Noah James was born on Thursday February 13th at 7:49am. He weighed 7lbs 8oz and was 20in long. They finished stitching my up and glued the incision. I was back in recovery around 8:25am (less than an hour for my c-section). Once the anesthesia wore off I had bad nausea and vomiting which hurt so much. It felt like my incision was pulling apart (it didn’t). They had to give me three different medications to stop the vomiting. Since I had gestational diabetes Noah has some trouble regulating his glucose level so he was put on an IV. We got wheeled to my postpartum room around 2pm and spent 3 days and 2 nights at the hospital. We were released Saturday February 15th in the afternoon. Noah is now over a week old and doing great! His big brother Declan loves him so much.