Somebody please help

I’m almost 15 weeks pregnant and I told my boyfriend when I was 10 weeks and he freaked out at first and wanted me to get an abortion we fought really hard about it and I told him I can’t do that as I just had one a year prior and it broke me and if I had another one I really feel like it would kill me so I’m keeping it. He has days where he’s okay about it or at least seems okay with it but some mornings he wakes up freaking out telling me “it’s not too late for an abortion I’m really passionate in what I’m saying I don’t have any good feelings about this” etc and I tell him I don’t know how many times I have to say I’m not having an abortion it’s too late and I would hate myself forever and he tells me I’m going to hate having a baby more he keeps yelling at me telling me it’s not right I told him I will gladly move out and go back to my moms where I’d be more than welcome and he says “there you go again easily leaving me I guess our 4 years don’t matter to you you don’t care about me and you’re not listening to anything I’m saying”

Of course I’m listening but I already said I’m not getting an abortion and we will figure everything out we have months to figure shit out and I have a ton of help and support and he said he doesnt want help and basically called me a hussie 🤷🏼‍♀️

He said he doesn’t want his kid to be fucked up and wants it to have a normal, good childhood but later on life but I’m pregnant now

Idk what to do if I should just move out and forget about him for now or stay and try to figure it out...