
I came home from a 14 hour day ( I’m a nurse) 20 weeks 4 days pregnant, hungry so I made lunch for tomorrow’s shift at 830pm the moment I walked into the door (husband doesn’t cook) and soup to eat for dinner. Went to shower found out the dog pooped on my Mat since this morning and the mat is sitting in my washer (not washed) because he doesn’t clean. It was one irritating thing after another. My husband who again does not cook, clean, help out in any way, his only responsibility is to work and that’s it. Don’t ask him to do anything in then house because it will be an argument. He decides to tell me the rice I just finished making was too grainy and I said to him I’m sorry I’m hungry can you put it back on the stove and finish cooking it? He slams the bowl down spits on the floor and thought he needed to insult in me in front of my 12 year old son. Tells me he’s a bastard child and the one I’m caring is as well??? And has the nerve to tell me to get out of the house he pays for because I spoke to him incorrectly???? You don’t cook clean or take care of this home just because you pay a bill here doesn’t make it yours and yours only! I felt so shameful my son had to see this garbage