Postpartum anxiety


I just had my second 2 days ago. She came early due to Cholestasis I was induced at 38 weeks. She is perfect! We are home now and I’m adjusting to have two kids now. I have a 5 1/2 year old son and her. It’s almost like I am starting all over.

I’m not saying at all that I have postpartum anxiety I actually have been feeling really good, but when it comes to her I just get worried of any little thing that might happen. I do have an owlet I put on her foot every night to monitor her breathing and heart rate.

I keep checking her temp over and over. I just forgot how scary it is to have a lil baby.. please tell me I’m not alone? Are any mamas out there a worry wart like me? I hate it about myself. I over think everything and think the worst. She is just so precious and pure. I don’t remember what life was like without her.

I’m so in my head about it! I am trying to take it day by day. 🙏🏻🥺