Started labor(5hrs), but it just stopped


I woke up at 3 am feeling painful contractions. They were 3 -5 mins apart and I waited hour and a half to make sure my labor had started. We arrived at the hospital at 4:50am, baby wasn’t moving, same contractions, getting stronger... they checked my cervix and I was 0 dilated + cervix was thick🤷🏻‍♀️! Doctor suggested to walk for an hour and then check again so that’s what I tried to do. Contractions got very painful and baby heart rate was slower than normal when I came back to pee and putted the monitor so they told me to rest... I just walked 30 min aprox. He checked again and he said I was a fingertip and 35% thinned or something like that... so I was progressing but so slow. It’s 7 am and contractions start getting less painful and 6-8 min apart. Then 8-10. Then 10-15. And suddenly they just disappeared! From that moment to now 10pm, i don’t have any contractions... I suffered labor and I got no baby. I’m very anxious and sad but I need to accept god plans for me and my baby! I’m also very very tired because of that “mini delivery session”. Pray for me so I’m not suffering small labors for too many days. Thank you for reading 💗