
Jackie • im jackie, 31yrs old with 2 kids...was told i would never have kids and here i am💕 my son is 7 and my daughter is 3; me and my husband are ttc for our final child; and then i want my tubes tied as i suffer endo and cysts; i have had 2 laperoscapies and be

coming off of the mirena and im breaking out all over my face and feel alot more angry😡 but i wanted off of it to have 1 more baby before getting my tubes tied.. im 31 and have endo and cysts..it took clomid 3x for my first pregnancy and my daughter was the result of fertil aid and fertili-tea💕 and me and hubby want one more... but this crash has my head all messed up; when will this feeling pass?? #coylefamily #onemore #prayforpositive