39 weeks

For those of you who have given birth already how were you feeling before going into labor. For the past few days I’ve been extremely fatigued and last night my hips started hurting worse than usual. I feel like I could sleep all day. No matter how much I sleep I still feel tired. My legs have been aching and swollen. I’ve had more cramps lately and some that stop me in place, but none that are consistent or come every few minutes. I just have BH out of nowhere throughout the day. I do have menstrual like cramps like if I’m about to start my period or something all through out the day. I’m just so exhausted 😩 I really do want to go into labor. I hope my little one is ready and that’s why I’m feeling the way I’m feeling cuz this is all taking such a toll on my body 😭 How did you ladies feel leading up to labor? And How did you guys know it was that “time” lol