Anyone else?

Desirea • Mrs.Gutierrez 2017💍😍 mommy of soon to be two! 💙💜

I’m 39 weeks and 4 days (will be 40 on Wednesday) I’ve tried everything and I mean EVERYTHING to get labor started naturally and nothing has worked. Last time I was checked I was at 3cm, 70% effaced and baby was stationed at a 0, so she’s super low!!! I can’t sleep, my head is pounding constantly no matter what I do to help it, I’m in so much freaking pain my dr refuses to induce me until 41 weeks... I don’t know if I can make it that far, I just want to ball up and cry in my bed 😭 I love my surro daughter and I’ve enjoyed carrying her so much but I’m done 😭😭😭