Should I forgive ?

I recently had a missed miscarriage. I was 8w5d. Two days before mc, my SIL who stays with us bashed me over something that had happened in the past that involved my husband too.

My husband was over there when my SIL strikes me.

I tried to stay calm then but it was on my mind.

I felt humiliated and looked towards to my husband for some comfort. He didn’t say anything and later on that night me and my husband had a huge argument on why he didn’t stand for me.

None of us slept that night. It was stressful time for me. This happened on Wednesday night and Friday I had bleeding followed by the painful mc. 😭

I blame my husband for losing my precious baby. This is my 2nd loss, had an ectopic before this.

I am not able to forgive him for that night.

Sorry for the long post! But I could use some advice.