Zoloft and Breastfeeding

I was taking 25mg sertraline for postpartum anxiety. It was a low dose but I felt better whether it was from the drug or the idea of taking something that was supposed to help. I am EBF and pumping. I was previously dumping my milk 8 hours after taking the sertraline because apparently it peaks in your system 6-8 hours later. Then my milk supply suddenly dropped so on top of dumping I was making less milk (no idea if it was related to the sertraline or not) and it got to be too much so I stopped it.

I’ve been feeling terrible lately. Angry, easily frustrated by minor annoyances, snapping at my toddler. Overwhelmed. And I want to start taking it again. Because I also just feel like I’m failing as a mother. And I know my feelings are not normal. But I can’t go through the cycle of pumping dumping and struggling to make milk. Does anyone else have experience with this drug? Did you have to dump your milk? Am I being way overly cautious by doing this? My doctor assured me it’s safe for breastfeeding but I’d prefer not to pass some antidepressant on to my baby if I can avoid it.

It’s just starting to feel like choosing not to take it and push through isn’t working for me or my family anymore.