Bloated, High Temps, 9DPO... BFN


I got a BFN this morning even though I am feeling so off. I've been running so hot lately. My husband calls me Lizard because I am ALWAYS cold and trying to sit in the sun (and my middle name is Liz). I live in Texas and work with a heating blanket year round. Yet the past two days I have been SO HOT. I am melting! And it's only 60s outside.

I was really hoping for a vvfl this morning. But dammit, I just got a BFP. Anyone else symptom spotting and wasting tests like me? 😑 I feel crazy.

Edit: And the vivid dreams!!!! They're so freaking real... I woke up crying from one today. Goddd if this is my regular PMS I'll just freak.