Couples finances

In a few short months I will be on MAT leave caring for our daughter. I do have some questions on how you ladies managed finances with your spouse.

Here's a quick back story:

I work 2 jobs currently & make only a quarter of what my partner does so saving and "extra" spending is more difficult for me. He makes way more, especially with this new job and is able to save monthly and spend as he pleases.


- how did you manage monthly bills? Together or separate. My monthly bills equal about $1650 (that's giving my boyfriend $500 towards house hold bills, and this is not counting gas or food or anything) and if I calculated my MAT leave pay I'd make about $1850 a month.

- We have agreed on a joint account for house/baby things. Who has done this and how does it work?

- my S/O will is only home 7 days outta the month (he will be taking a month off when babe comes) - so I will be the main caregiver of our child, our 2 dogs and the one who cares for everything around our home.

- I will try to pick up jobs here and there like babysitting and such but it's more difficult with the location of where I live & having a new born.

- how should my MAT leave pay be spent?

Any other tips are greatly appreciated!!