Struggling with food ideas


So my girl is about to be 9 months but has no teeth yet. She has a milk and egg allergy so that also limits food choices. She is getting to the point where she downright refuses purées and likes to feed herself but I’m running out of ideas. I would love some ideas from you guys!

For breakfast Ive tried bananas, avocado, toast, or coconut milk yogurt (which she wasn’t a fan of).

Lunch I’ll steam some veggies (sweet potato or carrot) and put some hummus on toast

Dinner ive done lentil pasta or shredded rotisserie chicken.

She unfortunately seems to really love grains more than anything else so I feel like I’m always struggling to get enough fruits and veggies into her. I also still get scared of choking 😆 I also never knew how many things had dairy or egg in them until i found out about her allergies!