CM after taking letrozole

Haylie • Mommy to 7 yr old boy 👦🏼💙 Due 11/2020 with a baby girl 🤰🏼👶🏼💖

I tried 2.5 mg of letrozole for a few cycles and it didn’t work. I did 5mg for the first time and it definitely worked. I ovulated and had sex. Now it’s a few days past ovulation and I’ve been getting a ton of white creamy discharge(CM). It’s basically like the normal discharge I would get throughout my cycle but this time it’s a lot more than I’ve had in as long as I can remember. Is this common after taking letrozole on a dose that works (makes you ovulate)? I never got this when I took letrozole the other times, but again that dose didn’t work. Did it make you have a lot more CM than whats normal for you/what you’re used to for your body? Maybe this has nothing to do with letrozole and it’s a normal thing for everyone. But I haven’t had a normal cycle or ovulated in 7 years so I don’t remember what a normal cycle or what normal CM is.