Anxiety advice?

So I’ve never been super educated on anxiety itself. Idk what causes it or what it feels like. I have things like ptsd from childhood trauma but the older I get I start to notice new things like that come up. I have night terrors every once in a while now. But, one night a few months ago I woke up bc I couldn’t catch my breath. It felt like there were bricks on my chest there was so much pressure. I couldn’t calm myself down or breath, it came out of nowhere. It was new & very scary. Tonight out of nowhere my heart started having palpitations again, I couldn’t catch my breath. And I had a lot of chest pressure again. I tried walking it off and got dizzy also. It’s hard to calm yourself down after too. I am super stressed this week, but wasn’t in the moment. Idk if any of this could be anxiety or anxiety attacks going on? I know many people are very educated on it so I needed advice. Thanks 😊

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