What do I do as a christian wife...

Bare with me please this is alittle long. My husband relapsed. Hes been sober for a few years and he started drinking again a few months ago. He came clean sunday because I didnt know.... he says meetings dont work for him. He did go to rehab a few times when people made him but relapsed. He then went to a different rehab but it was godly based. He then recovered and has been clean a few years until a couple of months ago. I told him he needed help more than me and if he didnt get it then this isnt going to work. His response was that he will be getting a accountability circle. But in his time. Hes still "frazzled" by me knowing. But the accountability cirlce is just a group of people to help him be accountable. So no meetings no rehab. I said I will be happy to bring you to a rehab and I will be okay. I want you better he laughed and said "you cant even last a day without me" as in I struggle with the kids. I told him that its because I knew he was coming home and I would get a break. But I'll be able to be a big girl and handle us. It's been 3 days and he hasnt told a soul. He has been playing with our children acting like nothing is wrong. Making jokes about him drinking. All touchy and feely to me. Idk what to do. I want to support him but I'm just uncomfortable. Idk how to act. Idk how to talk to him. I cant look at him. Ontop of that we are in the middle of selling our house and signing papers in a few days.

My firsr reaction was that i wanted to leave, not divorce but just leave out of the house. But then I thought "that's not a godly wife, to run" idk what to do. I need experienced godly wives who have been through this. I'm just confused.