Rant on my baby’s dad


I just need to get this off my chest, my baby’s dad did not I’m mean did not! Want me to have this baby he begged me and cried to me to get an abortion saying he couldn’t do it, however it was my choice to make we weren’t married and we were at a rough patch already. A week later I knew I wanted to keep the baby and I told him he told me that it was my fault for not getting an abortion and that he wouldn’t support me or the baby and I ended things with him and kicked him out of my house because my family was nice enough to give him a place when his family kicked him out. Through the pregnancy he has tried to win me back telling me he loves me I’m the love of his life and trying to win me back but I didn’t love him after that comment and I did not lead him on like he asked but he still persisted on trying to win me back. Months went on I’m 18 now so I am very young my family gave me the option to not have to worry about a job and worry about getting my career together. I applied for WIC and Medicaid to help me out. He was so mad at me for doing that, which it wasn’t any of his business. I get very little money from selling my stuff and the child support my mom gets from my dad I spend on the baby I spend all my money on the baby and he makes 4000 a month and has only spent $110 on the child I have easily spent way more! Not to mention he put me in the emergency room cause I was so stressed out. About two months ago we got into a hide fight he told me that he was embarrassed by me and that I could not support the baby the way she needed to be supported and that I should just forget about college and go get a job because I wasn’t special. I hung up the phone on him and haven’t heard from him until last week. And he tells me if I couldn’t come to an agreement with him he was gonna take me to court. Like you haven’t provided for her at all! And you make way more money than me! And recently I’ve found out he has been going around and telling people I won’t let him go to the appointments and he’s been trying to get ahold of me and I ignore him, which I haven’t I made very sure to keep his number but I blocked him on everything else. He told people I was abusive to him when he was the one that would throw me around. AND! He told my best friend that he was gonna leave me when I went to Hawaii pack up all his stuff and leave but then he found out I was pregnant so he was stuck. But then when I kicked him out when I got home from my trip my room was trashed my mattress was thrown on the wall my drawers out of my closer everything in my closet was on the floor! But yet I’m the bad guy! Don’t get me wrong I’ve cursed him out but that was it! And yet I’m still the one that feels bad I’m the one that is hurt. A part of me just wishes he would just disappear and not come back but the other part of me wants him to grow up and be a dad for his daughter and yet we have a month left and he hasn’t grown up at all and from what he does I don’t think he ever will and that kills me. I want my little girl to have her father but a good father.