waxing to shaving


SOS so i started waxing (brazilian) then switched to shaving and ever since i get red bumps and my hairs are trapped underneath my skin. i switched this time last year and it was way worse than now. i exfoliate 2-3 times a week, moisturize and use european wax centers ingrown serum 2-3 a week.

i hate waxing when i’m dating a guy because i go 3 weeks growing it out and with shaving i go a week but with shaving i can’t go less than a week and i get red bumps or red rash look on my sides.

i’m seeing a new guy and i shaved a day before i saw him and when we had sex i was already prickly. a day after i shaved. i never had this problem before i started waxing.

should i go back to waxing and explain to him my skin is sensitive and waxing is better and he has to deal with the 2-3 week period or will shaving get better? i’ve been shaving for about 2 months now and i get red looking skin with bumps as soon as i shave.

anyone have skin care tips or products to use that reduce this?