Does your LO respond to simple instructions? See description

I’m a worrier by nature but I’m a bit worried my LO isn’t consistently following very simple instructions. He will point to things in a book sometimes if I ask ‘where’s the bird?’ For example, but doesn’t appear to understand/respond to things like, ‘give me the ball’, or ‘get your doll’.

Please write below the types of instructions your LO does understand/follow and types of instructions they don’t.

Obviously there are some instructions that some toddlers do understand but it is very obvious they are choosing not to follow- don’t count these occasions!

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Remember responding negatively to a request is still responding. Just because you say "give me the ball" and he doesn't give it to you, isn't necessarily a lack of response. He may just be choosing to keep it or choosing to ignore you.


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My daughter understands pretty complex direction with minimal hints like me gesturing or pointing. But rarely points out things in a book if I ask “where’s the bird?” She 100% knows what a bird is but I think it’s more like her not wanting to like “mom i know you know where the bird is too 🙄” lol


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My LO Will respond to ‘please grab your shoes’ or ‘can you pet the doggie’ or ‘would you like some eggs for breakfast’. Sometimes she responds sometimes not, they are still learning... I also have to repeat sometimes.


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My son doesn’t really point things out if I ask him to show it to me. He will point them out on his own, but not if I ask them. He does follow other commands like “put that in the trash” or “do you want to eat?” He will bring me stuff if I ask, but has to be simple objects like the remote, a specific toy, or his drink. There are times he totally ignores me or gets distracted before he follows out the request.


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I talk to my daughter all day and ask her questions constantly. Please find mummies shoes, what do you want for breakfast (toast, eggs or weetbix) and she will go and get items out of the fridge, go get your bag, can you find your ball, she can point to most animals and shapes when asked, can point to random items in books when asked, will be able to tell me noises animals makes when asked, she can also point to most body parts when asked (head, hair, knees, chin, neck, eyes, mouth, teeth, tongue, nose, ears and so forth). She has almost 90 words. I am an early childhood teacher so I do a lot of teaching and have since she was very small. Every child is completely different. I am pregnant with number two and they could learn completely different and my ways with esther may not work with the next 🤷🏼‍♀️ at this age generally they have I think around 5-10 words normally. I wouldn’t be stressed.


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My daughter will put clothes in the hamper, but I definitely repeat it 2x and I usually have to point