My baby wont let me put him down.. advice please.

My son is 7 months old. He won’t let me put him down to do anything. I can’t clean, go to the restroom, cook, nothingggg. He’s okay if I sit beside him and entertain him but not for very long. I’ve given him toys, turned the tv on for him, put him in his walker, set him in his high chair with his puffs, he just screams. I tried to just wait to see if he’ll eventually stop and entertain himself but he’ll cry until he’s coughing and can’t breathe. Idk what to do I can never do household chores and I’m trying to go back to school soon for dentistry and I’m not gonna be able to do that if this continues.. I don’t want to spend thousands on school and not be able to succeed because he won’t sit down for 5 minutes by himself.