Hsg appointment done!


After having to cancel last month I finally got to do my hsg appointment this month. My Doctor and nurses were awesome!

For anyone who will be doing a hsg

1. There is discomfort

2. Expect period like cramps maybe slightly worse during the exam.

3. Unless you have a reaction to the contrast the discomfort subsides in about a half hour or less.

4. Take a pamprin or something you would take for cramps before the appointment.

5. If someone online says they had a terrible experience understand that they are most likely the exception and not the rule. (This is what my nurses even told me)

It is a different discomfort than typical period cramps. At one point I was sweating at the end due to the discomfort but I did power through and my doc was able to get good images and also get enough contrast fluid through that if there was blockage she cleared it up.