Dark room ??

L • Dec2019 💗 August2021 💙

Hey ladies my daughter is now 10 weeks and still not napping more then 30 mins she’s absolutely miserable once it hits 5 pm , someone on here suggested I go in and settle her back to sleep however the second I put her down (she’s rocked to sleep) she’s up and crying . Sometimes she’ll be up for a sold 3 hours and flips . It’s really messing with me mentally as I feel like I can’t get a second away. 😭 a friend of mine suggested to have the room dark during naps . I was wondering if any of you guys did that and does it confuse baby ?? She sleeps great once it’s dark out and can go from one sleep cycle to the next no problem it’s just naps !

This is how bright the room is during the day , is this too bright for her !? I feel she wakes up and gets distracted