Surgery, metformin, no PCOS

Amor ✨ • 34 years young, TTC my #1 💕 🇩🇪 🇺🇸 Creek Nation 🦅

I don't have PCOS, my insulin levels were slightly high. My doctor prescribed me metformin 500MG 2 times a day.

EAT before you take them, 😣

She gave it to me because I always have an irregular period and trying to conceive. She said this should help.

Any others in my boat?

Baby dust!!!! 🙏🏽

Also, I am getting surgery for a

• D& C scan with dye


• Laparoscopy

I guess this is all a good thing to do prior to trying or while trying to conceive to make sure everything looks good inside. No blockages. Fallopian tubes are clear. They're also going to scrape the inside of me to "clean" everything out?

Doctor talked fast.

Pre OP March 4th

Surgery March 5th
