Found out the sex today? 14 weeks


Today I went in for my 2nd OB appointment. I was put into a room without an ultrasound machine, so I looked at my husband and said "well, no ultrasound today!" I wasn't expecting one today either so I wasn't surprised. 2 minutes later, my doctor pokes his head into the room, smiles, and happily says "wanna go see baby? Maybe find out the gender?" My doctor has horrible bedside manner, never smiles, rarely answers questions, etc. so I was taken aback at his behavior. But what pregnant woman in their right mind is going to say "no, I don't want to see this life that I'm creating"?

So anyway, they move us to a room with an ultrasound machine, get me ready, and the doctor puts the ultrasound wand on my stomach. I immediately see the flutter of the heartbeat. After a few seconds of moving the wand around, the doctor says "there it is". I look and I think I see it, but was a little confused. "I think you're having a BOY."

No no no, I've been 100% convinced for the past 14 weeks that I'm having a GIRL! I look at him and ask "are you sure?! Because I honestly thought the whole time that I was having a girl." Clearly I see the penis, but I still can't believe it. He looks again and says "that's either a penis or an *extremely* swollen clitoris. My bet is it's a boy."

Still early so it's not definite, but now we have to find boy names that we like lol I was set on girl names 😅 I'm so excited nonetheless to have this perfect mixture of my husband and I. Also, I did bloodwork to test for Down syndrome, cystic fibrosis, and other "disabilities" and should get those results in a week or so. Hoping for a happy healthy little boy

August 27 cannot come soon enough❤

Here is my sonogram pic from 9+5, though I was measuring at 10+3. Didn't get a sonogram to take home this time around.