40 weeks exactly


At 11:39 pm on November 3rd, contractions began and woke me up. They hurt way more than any Braxton Hicks or cramps. I started to record them and they were 7 minutes apart all night. At around 6 in the morning I texted my mom and told her that they have been having contractions all night and she told me to go to the hospital because they can speed up quick. I went ahead and prepared myself for a long day. I took a shower, did my hair, made sure my bags were packed, said bye to my puppy she was gonna to be alone for a few days. I called my doctor and let her know that since I started moving around contractions went to 5 minutes apart. She told me to go ahead and go to the hospital. I was like way a head of you 🙃 we decided to get something to eat because I knew I wouldn’t be eating for a long time as well. We got to the hospital and they monitored my contractions for a little bit but I was still only dilated 1.5. They decided to keep me anyway and I was a wimp about it so I asked for pain medicine right away. They moved me rooms to get the fentanyl started and since they couldn’t get good vital readings on my baby through my tummy, they had to put a monitor through my cervix on my baby’s head which was super painful mixed with contractions. They gave me more pain medicine which helped a lot but I also asked for the epidural right away. I had to wait a little bit but that pain medicine worked wonders. Eventually I got the epidural and my husband said she had to try 3 times before she actually got it in right. That was terrifying since it is my spine. But all was well and it worked great by definitely slowed down labor. They had to start Pitocin to speed it up since I was very slowly dilating. I loved that I couldn’t feel contractions anymore. I tried to sleep through most of it and they had to keep moving me around to help push the baby down. I never knew how heavy I was until I had to pull myself up with my legs being dead weight. I could feel my contractions getting stronger and they didn’t hurt but I felt tons of pressure. After almost 23 hours, it was finally time to start pushing. It was super hard since I was numb from the epidural and when I started to push my baby’s heart rate started to drop. They had me lay back on my side and give her a little bit of time to get pushed down more naturally with the contractions. I laid there and started to talk to my baby. I told her that I was really excited to meet her. And that I know she was probably scared and didn’t know what was going on. I told her that it was going to be okay and that we are in this together and I would be right her when she came out. Not too long after I got to try to push again. They also lowered my epidural which made me scared because I didn’t want to feel anything. I started to push again and it was working this time! My husband and my mom were with me and even though it was so scary, they were the best support system. I saw my doctor get the scissors to cut me and I was so scared I was going to feel that too but I didn’t thank god for the epidural. She told me to give her another big push and my baby was born. She had so much hair and she was so beautiful. It was like I held my breath until I heard her cry which of course meant she was okay. I didn’t get to hold her right when she was born, they had to clean her up and get me stitched up. My husband actually got to hold her before I did. But she knew his voice and just stared

at him in awe and actually tried to talk to him. They handed her to me and she was so amazing I couldn’t believe that she was in my tummy.

Violet Ophelia Carbajal

6 lbs 13 oz

Born November 4th 2019 11:45 pm ❤️

Right on her due date!

She’s 4 months old on March 4th and she is so perfect. She laughs out loud and tries even harder to talk and she’s starting to grab everything and put it in her mouth. I never knew that I could love something so much ❤️❤️❤️