Here’s how I had my baby after 40..


My baby is 9 months old ❤️ and I’ll be 43 years old next month. I read Glow and other fertility community boards obsessively, I was OBSESSED with making this baby. I actually got pregnant twice after 40 before him, once was a chemical pregnancy I never would’ve known I was pregnant if I wasn’t obsessively testing. The second time I had a miscarriage at 10 weeks and it was devastating. I thought I was done with my baby fever after that but about 5 months later it returned. A literal physical craving, I wanted a baby so bad I could feeeel it. I used every tool I could to get pregnant the last two times. The miscarriage and my baby were both conceived with these same aids. The only thing I did differently the second time is use progesterone cream. Now, it’s been a year and a half since I conceived so I’m doing my best to be as accurate as possible but here is how I did it.

My husband and I both started taking maca root. I don’t think I took it long enough to balance my hormones but it had a definite immediate effect on my husband - he wanted to have more sex. Seriously, it was like taking a little aphrodisiac. And as we all know it takes two to make a baby. My husband was on board with making this baby but he wasn’t obsessed with it and sometimes he just didn’t feel like sex and that was okay with him. So when he took the maca it really upped our chances because we were having more sex.

This is a big one - I took Soy Isoflavones. Use the internet to learn all about this but if I credit one thing for my success it’s this. Taking soy iso for several days at the beginning of my cycle brought on a stronger ovulation and potentially healthier egg. Seriously- research it. I took Soy Iso two cycles and both cycles I got pregnant.

I used ovulation predictor strips to know exactly when I was set to ovulate. I bought a huge cheap pack of Wondfo OP and HPT from amazon and those little cheapie sticks showed positive days before I missed my period. Buy them.

We used pre-seed lubricant. It’s not only sperm friendly, it mimics cervical mucosa to make it easy for the sperm to travel. After 40 my vaginal fluids were noticeably drier so I really think this was important.

After having sex I inserted a Soft cup menstrual cup to keep the sperm next to my cervix, further increasing their odds of making the journey. I left it in place for 3 hours.

The first time getting pregnant with these tools I knew something was wrong pretty early. I didn’t test positive until I was a week late and I knew for sure the day I conceived. Some people say the problem with preseed lubricant is that it helps the weak sperm get to the egg and increases your odds of unviable pregnancy. This may be true but I used it again anyway.

Which brings me to my last tip. The next time I got pregnant I was terrified of another miscarriage. So before I even knew I was pregnant, right after ovulation, I started using Progesto-life bioidentical - Smoky Mountain Naturals' Progesterone cream containing 2000mg per 4-ounce pump. Again, use the internet and research it. Once you start using it, if you’re pregnant, you have to continue it through your first trimester. Some women say if they weren’t pregnant it screwed their cycles up. Would I have miscarried without the progesterone? I’ll never know. But the one time I tried it I stayed pregnant.

My baby was born at 39 weeks, 8lbs strong. He’s truly perfect and worth the wait. I hope sharing this helps you if you’re desperate and struggling like I was. If you have any questions I’ll try to answer but all of this case off the internet. Good luck mommas ❤️