3 year old night terrors?

Katie • ...

I think my toddler is having night terrors. I’ve posted about this before but I’m in need of advice because I’m losing my mind.

He wakes up screaming and confused and shouting. He throws himself around in his bed if you try to talk to or comfort him. He’s been a nightmare to get to sleep. However, this past week or so he had his preschool injections and gave up his dummy. So I don’t know if this is perhaps a phase he’ll grow out of? Also he’s had a lot of stress the last 2 months a new baby brother, loss of a grandparent and loss of a pet so I don’t know if these are starting to sink in and perhaps contributing?

I guess I want some advice on what to do when he wakes up as I try to settle him due to not wanting him to wake the baby. But also whether other experienced mothers think this is just an adjustment period and it’ll get better?

Really struggling and need some sleep ASAP!!