Sex Reveal Party

Long story short, I have a broken family. My dad moved back into the state from out of the country and I feel like if I have one that I would need to invite him. Because he is my dad. However, if I did that then that would mean my mom not being there. I don't think that my husband's family has a high opinion of my dad either.

My mother in law has bought supplies for a gender reveal since before I told them I was even pregnant and is willing to have it at their house. I have cousins and uncles on my mom's side asking when we will find out.

I'm kind of feeling team green...

Except that if I find out then I know plenty of people who have asked to know so that if it's a girl they can just give me all their stuff from their kid rather than to someone else (coworker and a cousin is having a girl) because they feel like I would appreciate it more. My husband's mom wants to know the gender so that she can start to clearance shop for a lot of things for the baby.

I don't know what to do!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!