
So I’m sixteen and currently sexually active. And I’ve been thinking about, if I ever were to get pregnant, I think I’d want to get an abortion. Maybe I sound horrible, I just don’t think I could handle it yet. And my parents would definitely be disappointed in me for getting pregnant, my boyfriends parents too. I definitely want to have kids later in life, but I want to go to college first. I’ve talked to my boyfriend about this and I don’t think he really supports me on this hypothetical decision. Any thoughts?

Edit: The backstory is—I was just recently put on the shot last week (February 21) and I heard that you have to wait a week for it to start working. (Is that true?) Me and my boyfriend have had sex recently and I’m very paranoid that I’m pregnant because we didn’t wait the required amount of time. (I’m very ashamed to admit my lack of self-control). He’s always pulled out but I know pre-ejaculate can get you pregnant too. Just worried that’s all. Anyway, this is mostly just about the abortion topic above.