Work problems


I was recently put on a sickness plan due to having 4 occasions off in the last year. Each occasion was only one day at a time expect one which I was off for 2 weeks for a missed miscarriage. I’m now 16 weeks pregnant and one of those occasions was for morning sickness with this little one and my manager has counted it which was the 4th occasion and reason I’m on the plan. I was always under the impression that pregnancy related illness shouldn’t be counted towards normal sickness records? Can anyone help and shed some light?

If that’s true I should only have 2 occasions counted as one was miscarriage and other morning sickness.

I’ve also had a horrible weekend, I’m suffering with awful headaches and I’m completely exhausted and couldn’t think of anything worse than going to work to look at a computer screen all day tomorrow 😩😩 id take a sick day or two if I knew I wouldn’t get in trouble but with being on this sickness plan they’ve said to try and have no more than one occasion off in the next 6 months. :(

Any help or advice will be very appreciated