I'm having sex for the first time tonight but my body is disgusting.

My boyfriend and I are both 17- We have been together for two years. I am overweight and have always been overweight. However I went on a diet when I was like 14 and have since gained a lot of the weight back. I'm not gigantic or anything but I can't wear crop tops like other girls without looking gross. I've successfully hidden my tummy in high waisted pants so people can't really tell how my stomach is. Not even my boyfriend knows how I actually look. I don't just wear high waisted pants, I wear high waisted bikini bottoms and panties. My mom goes to work tonight and my boyfriend and I are planning on having sex for the very first time. I really really want this but I'm super scared because I know when he sees my body, he will be turned off. Even I gag when I see myself. My boyfriend always tells me he doesn't care about weight, that I have nothing to be ashamed of, & he has stretch marks and random permanent scars on his legs that he's insecure about. But how can he tell me I have nothing to be ashamed over when he hasn't seen me yet? He's gonna be disgusted, I just know that he will.

This is my body. Please no hate comments. Idk how to be more pretty.