Toddler around other kids... help!

Okay I'm a FTM and I also have legitimate social anxiety. I was also raised never going out to places and meeting other kids besides kids at school so idk how to handle all this.

We take my son many fun places, he's 20 months old. He's a great kid but he's a toddler he has his moments because he's learning. He is only used to interacting with kid when we go out. Today he was at a children's museum and grabbed a toy from a toddler his age and yelled. They fought over it and I took it and gave it back and said sorry and told my son that's not nice sharing. Then my son tried to throw a toy truck at him. He also reaches out and touches other kids or will push them out of his way. I always correct him and apologize.

I was horribly embarrassed. I'm always so embarrassed when he does these things. I also feel like the other moms judge me or my son and think he's bad and he really isn't! He's so well behaved but is learning. What is the right thing to do in these situations? I feel so awful and judged and I already struggle with new people.