Cramps So Bad I Vomited


I am 17 and my periods have been progressively getting worse. More blood, intense cramps. The pain was so bad I physically could not move and it even went down my thighs.

So, my mom took me to the gyno and she put me on birth control. I was to start it the Sunday after my next period. That was last week and I was preparing for my next period to arrive. So, this morning, 4am to be accurate, it starts. I wake up to INTENSE pain like I have never felt before. I felt like I had to shit and was nauseous at the same time. So I did my best to crawl towards the bathroom. I COULD NOT walk, there was so much pain. I end up lying in the hallway on the floor crying from pain for about half an hour before I can even force myself to the toilet in case I need to go. I sit on the bathroom floor for a few minutes and then I am SMACKED IN THE FACE with the overwelming urge to puke my guts out, all while trying to calm myself down and still being in insane pain. So I lean into the toilet and do my business. I couldnt breathe I was puking so hard, I know this sounds dramatic but I thought this was the end and I was alright with that the pain was so unbearable. I found out later I had spent an entire half an hour vomiting the contents of my guts into the toilet bowl and then proceeded to sit on the toilet and shit my brains out with diarrhea. I had gathered myself up enough to hobble to my parents' room like an old woman and my dad gets up to help me, such a nice dude. I don't give him enough credit, really. After the midol kicked in, my pain subsided with the help of a heating pad so I know I was not sick with the flu or anything like that. I feel completely fine now, normal. Has anyone else experienced that level of pain from a period before? It sucks and I hope no one else has to deal with that. Hope the birth control helps