Sleep Help

So my baby will be 3 months on the 4th and for the past week sleep has been a struggle for her (and therefore, me too). She won't sleep unless she's being held during the day when before she would nap fairly well for 45 mins to an hour every nap in her crib. This past week she has also been having issues with sleeping at night. Normally she would fall asleep around 9:30 and sleep until 2 or 3 AM and then sleep from 4ish to 9. Now she's hard to settle down at night and wakes up every hour and a half to 2 hours. I'm losing my mind. We have a good bedtime routine and it's been the same since we brought her home. I also do basically the same thing for naps as well. I'm still swaddling at night, but I may have to transition away from that soon because she's getting very good at breaking out of the swaddle. She won't stay asleep with her arms out though. She ends up slapping herself in the face and waking herself up. It's pitch black at night and in her room when I try to get her to nap and we use white noise for naps and at night. For naps she might sleep for 10ish minutes before waking up unless I'm holding her. I'm almost at my breaking point. There have been some tears the past couple nights because I am getting almost no sleep. By the time she's asleep and I get settled into bed, she wakes back up. I don't know what else to do. Please help.