Boyfriend smoking

To start out my boyfriend and I have been dating since my freshmen year of college. I am now 23 and he’s 25. For the past week I have been out of town visiting my best friend. I got in last night and right when I opened the door my boyfriend went straight to business kissing me. Which I loved, for the past week we both have been sexting and teasing each other. However his breath reeked of cigarettes. We already had arguments of his smoking in the past. My boyfriend was raised in London however he has dual citizenship here in the US because his father lives here. I know that smoking there is very common. I have told him that I rather him not smoke cigarettes because of the obvious health reasons but whenever I smell cigarettes it makes me extremely nauseous and dizzy. He knows I don’t like it and has promised me he will try to stop. I stopped kissing him when I could taste the cigarettes and he looked at me funny. Asking me what’s wrong. I asked him how many cigarettes he smoked today. He groaned and said not this argument again and told me he hasn’t smoked. I told him I wasn’t starting an argument and not to lie to me when it’s obvious. He told me to forget about it and tried to kiss me again. However I turned my head so he wouldn’t be able to. He then asked me what the fuck was wrong with me. I told him the cigarette smell is not making me feel well and the fact he just lied to me. He then said I was being over dramatic and to make his dick happy. Then shit just started and fighting began. Which we never do. Yeah we have arguments but they are usually about dumb ass shit like most arguments are. He then called me controlling and that I had to start something up when he wanted to have sex because he hasn’t had it in a week. He then told me I need to get over it because he has loads of things that he doesn’t like about me that he has gotten over and accepted. I got really upset because I know I’m not controlling and the fact he told me he has things he doesn’t like about me (I know everyone has their flaws but he didn’t have to make me feel like I had a ton that he HAD to get over). He told me when I was away that he hasn’t smoked and literally lied to me when I asked. It’s not the fact that he smoked. I know his smoking isn’t going away just like that. It’s a process, nicotine is highly addictive. I have even suggested Juuls and e-cigarettes to him (I know they are still bad) to help the process. However he told me they aren’t the same. But he lied to me, made me feel like all he wanted was sex, and said I was controlling and had many flaws. He knows how smoking makes me feel physically and mentally. My grandma passed away due to lung cancer because she smoked. After he said that he has shit that he doesn’t like about me I left and went to my friends place to stay the night. I needed to be by myself because what he said really hurt me. Now it’s the next night I don’t know what to do.