Pregnant by my FWB


Good evening ladies,

So I have actually given up on having another baby.. I have a 14 yr old boy and a 10 yr old girl.. I had a miscarriage almost 3 yrs ago.. after I guess I just stop trying and enjoy life... but now, here I am 37 yrs old and 5weeks pregnant 😱😱. I am actually shocked, surprised, in awww and everything else... I’m a single mother.. I don’t have a man.. I have a FWB because it just seemed easier then being in a relationship... we never bothered in birth control, we never talked about “what if we end up pregnant”. We would just go out have fun and have good sex... I’m debating if I should tell him now or wait the 3 months?? Should I even tell him??? How do I tell him??? It’s will not be his first kid either.. he has a daughter 13 yrs old and a son 2 yrs old...

I do plan on keeping the baby... and this guy lives like 4 mins away from where I live...