Sooo angry/frustrated!! 😡😡😡


I’m almost 11 weeks preggo so my boyfriend and I were getting ready to do the paperwork for my upcoming OB appt...We started talking about genetic testing and he goes on to mention that he wants to get paternity testing too! 👀 Saying “I don’t know what you do every weekend” We’ve been together since March last year, he lives in Indiana and I live in Ohio but we see each other about every other wknd (sometimes more). I’ve literally been with NO ONE else in over a year. Unless by immaculate conception, I know that he is the father, so it’s not the test that made me so angry but just the mistrust and what felt like an accusation 😠 Am I tripping???? Im really trying to calm down. I’m already super emotional right now and nervous/scared/anxious... just seemed like that could’ve been saved for another time. (Although idk when a ‘good’ time would have been)