My husband wants me to get abortion

My husband and i have 3 daughters. (One is a step daughter from his previous situation ) she is 12 we get her part time. Him and i have a 2.5 year old and a 11 month old.

I’m currently 8 weeks pregnant. We didn’t plan to have this baby it just happened. He knew i wasn’t taking birth control and we had been using condoms and pull out method. Well he wants me to get an abortion because he says we will suffer and it’s putting me in the position of ,

If you keep this child this is the beginning of the end of us.

Which is so ridiculous.

Financially and mentally we aren’t ready for another child but realistically we could afford it he just wouldn’t be able to buy expensive fishing lures and stupid crap like that.

My problem is WHY is he so unsupportive about this ? I am a SAHM but i make income by being his assistant with work so i make a cut based on clients etc including running our two clothing businesses.

We have zero family help which is why i can’t work at a job.

I understand where he is coming from but honestly i don’t know how i will feel , the guilt , im raised Christian and i can’t imagine Jesus looking at me doing this.

We are married for 6 years together for 7.

If i keep the baby i will lose my husband my marriage , if my baby is aborted i will forever feel guilty and envy my husband.

I can’t believe this situation i am in. I feel hurt lost , upset

OH AND HERE IS THE KICKER. I took the sneak peek twice (6 weeks pregnant it said girl ) (8 weeks pregnant and it said girl) so he for sure doesn’t want the baby because he thinks it’s a girl. either way just stupid. I read on the NIPT testing that you have to be at least 10 weeks for chromosomes to even be picked up for gender.

I haven’t told anyone except my brother. He wants me to keep the baby.

But ultimately how would i do this alone financially and mentally.

I feel shattered.