Advice needed please:(


Im gonna try to make this as short as possible

So a few months ago, in September, I started talking to this guy on Instagram. He lives like 3 hours away from me so we’ve never met but we became SO close and we automatically clicked, and we brought up meeting up but we sort of just brushed it off.

He’s been really distant and started ghosting me but i thought it was just something he was going through until it became a pattern and does it almost everytime we talk. He says hes dealing with alot or “forgot to answer” so i kinda gave up on him for a few weeks until he came back again.

We talked again and it was great, until he did it AGAIN. And the pattern continued until a few days ago where he said “you’re the only one that keeps my attention, and if i was ready for a relationship id put a ring on your finger” and then he mentioned something about “our child”.

i’ve literally been crying about him for MONTHS because we go so good together but i can’t keep up with him. I always tell him i’m there for him when he needs me and he says he loves me and all but we’re not even in a relationship. He also just told me today that he’s applying to a school thats 5 hours away from him (even further than where i live) without even acknowledging the fact that we still had plans to meet.

What should i do?:( should i give up on him? Give him another chance? I feel so clingy and stupid and i just wish he could see me the way i see him :(