Faint Line or Indent/Evap?


CD 30 (~13 DPO) not FMU (maybe an hour hold).

Original photo, taken within timeframe, no edits:

Original photo, edited (inverted):

Original photo, edited (brilliance 100%), lines to mark approximately where I see faint line:

Original photo, edited (inverted), lines to mark approximately where I see faint line:

Thanks for your opinion! ❤️

If anybody cares about the details... I have had three previous miscarriages and each time tested positive on HPT by 9DPO. This cycle my LH surge was really long so I *estimated* ovulation to be between CD 15-17 based on BBT (which was also quite inaccurate this month due to illness mid cycle). I tested CD 21-25 with 10 mIU/ml HPT and all were 100% negative. I’ve been waiting for my period to start (usually have about 29 day cycles +/- 1 day) but haven’t had any spotting/symptoms of AF. Unfortunately, I decided to test today mid-morning after just using the restroom about an hour prior (I know, rookie mistake). I’ve used so many different brand HPT’s over our 3.5 year journey TTC and I’ve never had any issues with indents or evaps on Easy@Home. I will obviously be retesting tomorrow morning with a more sensitive test and another Easy@Home for comparison. But if anybody has personal experience with a bad Easy@Home test please comment below! (I’d also be interested to hear from those who tested negative 9-12 DPO and then had a later positive result after 13 DPO).

Extra thanks if you read that novel before voting 😂

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